Carmelo Maiolino's blog

Android developer, developer of Combian64, Dosbian, Amstrian

Distro – Combian 64

NEWS – July 23, 2023 – Combian 64 V3.7 released

What’s new in Combian64 V3.7?

  • It uses Vice 3.7.1 compiled against SDL2 (sources under the ‘opt/src’ folder of the distro)
  • Enable / Disable TCP over IP allowing you networking with your preferite machine
  • Added to the menu the possibility to choice “Commodore 128 – 80 Columns to run at boot.
  • Samba now shares Combian64 folder with your PC/MAC
  • Sid Wizard 1.8 / 1.9 can be found under the music folder

Please note, i try to do my best to arrange the Vice configuration to be the best as possible for everyone but of course, it’s up to you to change settings according to your needs (resolution, aspect ratio, audio output etc).

You can download Combian 64 V3.7in the Available Download section you find below… HAVE FUN 🙂

What is Combian 64?

Combian 64 is Raspberry Pi distribution able to boot your preferite Commodore machine in just few seconds.

It uses the brand new version of Vice 3.7.1 to emulate all the Commodore Machines set.

By default, Combian 64 boots the Commodore 64 emulator.

Terms of use and distribution

Combian 64 is a free project, this means you can modify, improve, customise it as you like.

It’s however prohibited to include Combian 64 in commercial product

Projects using Combian64

A really well done project using Combian to emulate a real Commodore 64

Combian PI / 400 by Steven Combs

Available downloads

Combian64 V3.7 for all Raspberry Pi models ( Not working on Raspberry Pi 5)

Need VKM files keyboard mapping? for Keyrah?

With the new Vice 3.7.1, you can find a lot of VKM files to use according to your needs, even those one for KEYRAH.

People who made Combian64 possible

First of all it is natural to thank the Vice team for their incredible Commodore machines emulator, without it, Combian64 wouldn’t exist.

I’d like to thank also everyone who supported me in this adventure, my friends, my wife but one big special thank goes to my wonderful mom.

Do you have anything to tell ? Write a comment 😉

469 risposte a "Distro – Combian 64"

  1. Combian64 V3.7.1 on Raspberry Pi 3b+ works well.

    Unfortunately I cannot access the USB (fat32) stick. I tried USB FIX in the additional menu, without success. /media/ USB0…USB7 nothing. /mnt/ nothing. /dev/… ? nothing What should I do .?

  2. Hello Carmelo,
    I have the latest version of Combian V3.7.
    When I log out of Vice “Quit emulator” I come to the text console where I can enter commands in the text line.
    How can I start the “additional menu”?

    I’m missing the additional menu (Combian 64 3.5 MENU), where I can navigate with the cursor keys.

    R is run emulator…
    S is shutdorn…

    I can’t start the menu items in the text console.

  3. Ausgangstext

    Hallo Carmelo, ich habe die neuste Versuion von Combian V3.7 . Wenn ich mich von Vice abmelde “Quit emulator” komme ich auf die Text Konsole, wo ich befehle in die Textzeile eingeben kann.443 / 5.000ÜbersetzungsergebnisseÜbersetzung

    Hello Carmelo, I have the latest version of Combian V3.7. When I log out of Vice “Quit emulator” I come to the text console where I can enter commands in the text line. How can I start the “additional menu”? I’m missing the additional menu (Combian 64 3.5 MENU), where I can navigate with the cursor keys. R is run emulator… S is shutdorn… I can’t start the menu items in the text console.

  4. Ciao Carmelo, una domanda: sot mettendo su un C64 con Raspberry pi 5 all’interno: Combian è compatibile con tale scheda?

    Ricordo infatti che qualche anno fa dicesti di non aver avuto ancora il tempo necessario per rendere combian compatibile con il Raspberry Pi 4.

    Un caro saluto,


    1. Ciao Dario,

      La versione attuale di Combian64 supporta i seguenti Raspberry Pi 3/4/400.
      Il Raspberry Pi 5 non è supportato, lavorerò alla nuova versione di Combian64 dopo il rilascio imminente del nuovo Dosbian compatibile per Pi 3/4/400//5.

      Buon weekend,


      1. Ok, ti ringrazio molto per il celere feedback!

        Credo a questo punto che comprerò comunque il raspberry 5, e non appena avrai novità, utilizzerò il tuo combian, indispensabile per la riuscita del progetto.

        E ovviamente effettuerò una donazione, perchè il tuo impegno va assolutamente e meritatamente premiato.

        A presto risentirci!

  5. i can’t connect to combian samba server. I have enabled the samba share via the menu option, and then in windows, either accesing the folder via //combian/ or with the ip //192.168.1.xx/ the system ask for a password.

    I have tried u: pi p:raspberry and u:root p:1234 but i can’t access. What is happening? Am i doing something wrong?

      1. ah ok Thanks! Now works totally fine. And thanks too for your awesome work! 🙂

  6. combian is working but very slowly ive tried all sorts of changes to it but nothing seems to work any help would be gratefully received

    1. Hi,
      Honestly I never had any kind of slowdown with my Raspberry Pi 4 , did you set video in Vice option fullscreen? This could be the cause of slowdowns. Try to uncheck this option and in any case try to connect to another monitor.

    2. I have had an issue like that. If you are using a big screen, or a screen with a high resolution, then try set a fixed resolution in VICE settings, like 800×600. That fixed my issue.

  7. Ciao. Sto provando l’ultima versione di Combian 3.5.3 sul mio Pi400. Mi piace molto ed è molto semplice da usare per chi è già abituato a SDLVice. Ho due problemi però. Il primo su C128 non riesco ad andare in modalità 80 colonne, ottengo sempre l’uscita dall’emulatore. Il secondo è la mappatura dei tasti, sia US che DE prevedono la presenza dei tasti estesi e il Pi400 non li ha. Come posso risolverli? Grazie.

  8. Hi there,

    I’m very happy with Combian64, which I use on a Raspberry Pi 3B. I’ve placed the Pi in an original Breadbox-casing and connected the whole to a Keyrah interface.

    Now, the only thing I’d like to add is a physical button that initiates the Shutdown-procedure of the Pi. I’ve made such a button using this tutorial:

    While the button itself lets the Pi shutdown properly, Combian64 fails to start: it aborts the proces at a point. Being quite new to the Pi and Linux, I was wondering if anyone can share insights on how to get this working. Thanks!

  9. The is a new BBS supporting running and supporting Combian 64, VISION Basic, and Raspberry Pi.
    Called VISION BBS
    Port 6400

  10. Buongiorno,
    ho già scritto un commento del genere ma non lo vedo pubblicato.
    E’ possibile avere una versione vecchia che giri su pizero

  11. Buonasera Carmelo.
    Ottimo lavoro!Avrei però bisogno ,per terminare un progettino iniziato mesi fa ,di una versione precedente che giri su pizero.
    Puoi aiutarmi?

  12. Buonasera Carmelo.
    Ottimo lavoro ma ti devo chiedere una cortesia.
    E’ possibile scaricare una versione precedente di Combian64 che funzioni anche con il pizero?
    Sto finendo un piccolo progettino che avevo iniziato mesi fa e appunto ho solo un pizero disponibile.

  13. Hi,

    Does anybody know how to use BBS of Combian64 menu ? I choose Striketerm 2014 (after quitting emulator). It loads up but on the main screen it says modem status: offline. My pi400 is connected to internet – configured in Combian64 raspi-config. Just can’t work it out what to do with it . Thanks for help.

    1. To get Striketerm or any other modem software going you need to set the Userport RS232 host device to 3 in Machine Settings.

    2. You may need to also modify the menu script in usr/local/bin to add parameters to the tcpser command for the T option or add your own for BBS operation.

    3. There seems to be a few problems with this newest distro:
      1. You have to change the Userport RS232 host device from 4 to 3 in Machine settings to get Striketerm to work after you apply the update that you get for a donation.
      2. You have to do a sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/st2014final.d64 to get the save phonebook function to work
      3. Drive sound emulation doesn’t work in the 64 SC mode.
      4. CRT emulation sucks
      5. loud buzzing noise when loading Striketerm until you change the Model settings in Machine settings to something and save it in Settings management.

  14. Hi! I just upgraded Combian64 from Buster to Bullseye.
    After that I had some issues with the network, but I was able to resolve it.
    Steps taken:
    # Update current build (Buster) to most current version (Bullseye)
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    # sudo rpi-update (don’t do this unless it’s absolutely necessary!!!)

    # Get the source lists for bullseye
    sudo sed -i ‘s/buster/bullseye/g’ /etc/apt/sources.list
    sudo sed -i ‘s/buster/bullseye/g’ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list

    # Update and install the latest gcc (required for new builds)
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install libgcc-8-dev gcc-8-base

    # Upgrade (this takes a while…)
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    sudo apt -f install
    # –> x upgraded, x newly installed, x to remove and x not upgraded.

    # if required, repeat the upgrade-step (x packages not upgraded)
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    sudo apt -f install
    # –> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    # Cleanup
    sudo apt autoremove

    Okay, this should work just fine.
    Now I had the problem that both LAN and WLAN were not operational anymore.
    Steps I took to fix this:

    # Reactivate LAN
    sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt
    # Add the following line to the beginning of /boot/cmdline.txt
    net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0
    # exit

    # Create new /etc/network/interfaces file
    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    # add the following lines to /etc/network/interfaces
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    auto wlan0
    allow-hotplug wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    iface default inet dhcp
    # exit

    # Restart the network
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

    sudo reboot
    sudo ip link show
    sudo ip link set eth0 up
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

    # enable ssh through sudo raspi-config if required

  15. I recently installed V3.5.3 on RPI 4 and play using my old tube tv from 1988. This is really great.
    Unfortunately, my joystick Speedlink Competition Pro is recognized as Game Controller for Android. So Button 1 is Button 4, Button 2 is Button 1 and so on.

    pi@C64:~$ usb-devices
    T: Bus=01 Lev=02 Prnt=02 Port=03 Cnt=03 Dev#= 6 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
    D: Ver= 1.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1
    P: Vendor=0079 ProdID=181c Rev=01.01
    S: Product=Game Controller for Android
    C: #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=100mA
    I: If#=0x0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbhid

    The problem should have been fixed with SDL release-2.0.12 on Aug 23, 2019.
    Any ideas to solve this?

  16. Ciao Carmelo, ma le vecchie versioni si possono ancora scaricare (tipo la 3.2)?
    Il link della 2.8 rimanda alla 2.7.
    E complimenti sempre…

  17. Thank you for this excellent distribution. Using your menu script to start up StrikeTerm, is any additional configuration necessary to successfully connect to C64 hosted BBSes? I’ve tried to access a few BBSes but I get no data displayed in the StrikeTerm terminal and no feedback that there is an error. I can exit the emulator, to the raspberry pi command line and ping the destination successfully. I have also used netcat from the command line to check to see if the bbs is reachable on the designated port. In all cases the raspberry pi seems to have network connectivity. All of the settings for VICE with StrikeTerm are default as delivered with Combian. Thank you in advance for any information you might be able to provide.

  18. Hi guys,

    I’m having strange issues when I use C64 (optimized for games). I’m on Pi400, however when I’m in that mode when I try to type anything in C64 basic screen it shows random characters. It only sometimes shows the to correct character when typing and also it changes after a reset. All other C64 working with no issues. I’ve checked all the options’ restored defualt setting s and stiil expirencing those issues with keyboard. Can anybody help me, please ?

      1. In my case:
        – 5 localization options
        – L3 keyboard
        – Generic 105-keyPC (Intl.)
        – English (US) – English (Intl. with AltGr dead keys)
        – Right Alt (AltGr)
        – Left Logo key

        F12 (or whatever opens your menu)
        – Settings management
        – Activate keymap -> Symbolic
        – Keyboard mapping -> American (US)

        Also check if you have a joystick with autofire on in port 1

  19. hey, any plans to give this a go on the new RPI Zero W2, seems pretty capable now with a quad core 1Ghz (overclockable to 1.3).

    1. Hi,

      I’m trying to expand the file system from raspi-config in order to transfer my games across. The system says complete but in midnight commander I can’t see the available space. In windows disk manager still shows the available space not expanded. Is it possible to expand?

      I have a Pi Zero 2

  20. Ciao Carmelo,

    Ho scaricato la versione 3.5.3 , ma nn riesco a farla funzionare sul mio Pi 4 4GB…
    Ronzio di sottofondo e non riesco piu’ ad accedere al menu di configurazione … ho installato la cartella “update” che mi mandasti quando ti feci la donazione per il 3.2 , ma a quanto pare non è piu’ compatibile …

    inoltre il boot ora è molto lungo, mentre invece con il 3.2 su un pi3 era praticamente istantaneo …

    soluzioni ?? oppure resto con il 3.2 ? 😀

    Ciao e grazie sempre per il tuo lavoro ! 😀

  21. Hi. I just downloaded V3.5.3 to build a C128 on a Pi4 with 4GB.
    Works great for my needs but I have to report a bug: after switching from 40Col-Display to 80Col-Display, I enter the Menu, go to Video Settings and activate VDC output. Leaving the menu, the emulator crashes to the shell. The other way round – switching from 80Col to 40Col Display and then activate VIC output in Video settings menu – works without crash.
    Hopefully you can reproduce and fix this behavior.


  22. Hi everyone and Ciao Carmelo complimenti per il lavoro.
    I’m trying to run it on Raspberry Pi Zero W but the emulator doesn’t work, it gives an illegal instruction error. I would like to compile it but under opt / src I can’t find the sources.
    I know version 2.7 / 2.8 works but I can’t find it.
    It also appears to you that 3.35 does not work on Pi Zero?

  23. heya, looking to figure out 2 or 3 things, i am trying to run the version 2.7 on a pi Zero w i have no wifi, also i am unable to solve how to get the keyrah working with the commodore 64 keyboard, drivers???

    can someone send me a list or a read me file to how to?

    thanks in advance.

  24. Hi,

    Can anyone help with raspberry mouse in Combian64 ? How do I enable it to work in c64 ie I’m using Final cartridge and all can do is to press lmb – that works but no mouse movement. Please help with raspberry mouse configuration.

  25. Hi,
    Thanks for these images they are great.
    One thing I would like to know is, do I have to reflash this image to my sd card or is there a way to update 3.2 to the latest release as I already have roms and stuff setup how I like it on version 3.2

    1. Hi, unfortunately you can’t update from 3.2 to 3.5.3, In the latter version the emulator used is version 3.5 and compiled against SDL2. There’re also a new section dedicated to SID tunes.

      It can be a bit boring to transfer roms but it worths, expecially cause the new Vice 3.5 has lots of improvements 🙂

  26. Hi,

    I want to use Combian64 V3.5.3 on my Raspi 3 B V1.2, but I can´t figure out how to get into the Combian64 menu. When I press F8 nothing happens. Only pressing F10 ends the emulation. Can I enter the Combian64 menu after pressing F10? Do I have to type in a special command?

    Then I wanted to try out Combian64 V2.8.1, but the file isn´t available any more. Only Version 2.7 can be downloaded.

    Another small question because I am new to linux. When I am leaving the emulation with F10 and want to list the files in a folder, I normally use the command “ls”. But if I want to see the files page by page, because there are too many folders and files listed, which command do I have to type in?

    1. Starting by Combian64 version 3.2 and on, menu is not available anymore by default.
      The distro is complete with all emulators but you have to set everything you need manually.

      If you want to receive the “Menu” update you need to make a free amount donation.

      If you want to list page by page, you can use the command:
      ls -la | more

      1. Thanks for your answer. Oh I didn´t see this information. Ok, then I´m going to make a free amount immediately. I think this menu is very useful 🙂

  27. I want to use Combian64 on an Rpi-ZeroW, but I’m struggling. I need a version what will allow installing an SPi screen, but I have not found a version that will work with wifi, or if I do, I get a segmentation fault when trying such command as apt-get install cmake… Which version of Combian64 do I use? The latest version doesn’t even load the menu on my PiZeroW.

  28. Hi. I have now tried both released 3.5 versions on a Rpi 400. The first one released as a zip, did never enter Vice. The second 7z version of 3.5 runs in a stuttering slow motion, with a constant buzz sound. I have tried configuring the speed settings in Vice but no luck solving this issue.. Anyone have a fix for this issue?
    If the 3.5 version is going to be released a third time, then please call it like 3.5.3, or something like that to remove confusion about which version is the newest.

    1. Hi, i have no audio problem when the default C64 boots, anyway, i noticed these problems occurs in some other machine. I switched back to Combian 3.2. I don’t know if and when 3.5 can be available again for download because the problem seems tight to the Vice emulator, anyway, yes, in the future i will use version numbering as you suggested 🙂

      1. I am wondering if 2.7 is still available somewhere to download. I have a PI Zero I’d like to run C64 on but 3.5.3 doesn’t support pi zero and the prices of raspberry pi’s are pretty high right now.

    2. It’s not a Vice problem, everything is solved changing settings:
      From video Settings remove flag fullscreen, filter->Nearest, From Audio settings: buffer 200ms

      1. Hi Thanks for your help. I actually had to set the missing fullscreen mark, with a fixed screen resulution (800×600), which made it work on my RPi 400. I’m on a 4K TV, which might be the reason for the need to limit the resoluton.

  29. Hallo, can I use the “Save” and “Load” command in Basic Mode? If I try to Load a File not found Error is displayed.

      1. Hallo Appnjoy, i attached drive 8 and tryed to save “Hallo”, saving Hallo and ready appeared. But i can not load it, file not found error is displayed. What do i wrong?

  30. Hi, I got xplus4 to work by editing the config file at /home/pi/.config/vice/sdl-vicerc
    In the Plus4 section, It was SidEngine=1 I changed it to SidEngine=0 and this solved the problem:-)

  31. Ciao Carmelo !!! Ti ho appena offerto una Birra. Grazie per tutto il lavoro che hai svolto , sei un grande !! 😀

  32. Hello, Can I ask, why you deleted my previous post? I asked if someone has a problem with xplus4 emulator like me.

    1. Hi 🙂
      It was not deleted, it was still pending for approval, now it should have be visible,
      And to answer your question, have to try it again, maybe something got broken after the update 🙂


      1. Hi 🙂
        The older versions were working like a charm, but new one dooes not. I can run all emulators but xplus4. I flashed SD card again and still nothing.

  33. Hello All, I tried last version on my RPi B and all emulators were working except xplus4 (my favourite). Could you check it if its ok on your machines?

  34. Hi Carmelo,

    Thanks for the great version 3.2! Runs nicely on my PI400.

    Can I donate via another way (I refuse to use Paypal 😉 )?

    I have two things: is it possible to include a 50.125 hz screenmode selector (VIC refresh rate), and disable the dualshock 4 gyroscope (it creates unwanted control)? Lastly, an easy way to switch joyports would make this the perfect c64 solution altogether. Getting off my head here haha!

    Cheers and thanks a lot! Rakesh

  35. Devinate hotkeys ?
    Is it possible to devinate 64Hotkeys in Combian ?
    If yes, how.
    I would like to make a quick simple joystick change.
    Or what is the fastest way to do it ?

  36. Ciao Carmelo,
    ho letto alcuni commenti ma non ho capito come posso aggiungere Combian64 trai i SO disponibili in un multiboot Noobs.
    Il mio sogno è far risorgere il mio vecchio C64 con Combian64, Retropie, LibreELEC… tutti assieme
    Help me… tks 🙂

      1. Grazie per info e complimenti per il lavorone che hai fatto, sei un GRANDE!
        Mi sono permesso di offrirti una pizza 🙂

  37. Hi all, I just recently picked up a RaspberryPi 4B/8GB. When I boot Combian 3.0, it works fine, VICE loads and I can configure it. However, when I exit the emulator, the Combian menu never appears. All I get is a gray screen. I think the menu loads, as I can reboot the system by pressing some random keys, but I can’t see it. I’ve reburned the image twice on two different cards. Any idea what’s happening or how I can get around this? Thanks!

  38. Hi, I’m trying to run Combian 3.0 on a Pi/400. I have a Pi 4B/8GB as well. Combian boots on the Pi 4B and VICE works fine, but when I exit the emulator, all I get is a gray screen. I can’t see the Combian menu. So, I can never get to the shell to update the system to use Combian on my Pi/400. Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

  39. Hi,
    I burned the image on SD but it never complete the boot. it start but then the RPI just reboot and then the same happen, with a bit of loading and then it reboot.
    I am using a RPI3; I assumed the image should work right? Thanks

  40. Hi
    I am a little confused. Does Combian 64 work with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B? Does it work with all Pi models currently available?

    The text in the update from 2.8.0 to 3.x is really confusing.

  41. Got a question, where can i find the nice “UI” scripts so i can add some options myself? Talking about the nice menu you get when exiting vice.

  42. Hello,
    Thank you very much for your works 🙂 I love Commodore 64 ! Combian 64 is fantastic :).
    I Have a question : I’m belgian and i have a AZERTY Keyboard, it is possible to change QWERTY to AZERTY ?

    Good Games 😉

  43. Ciao Carmelo,
    in the Raspi 4 I update Combian64 version 3 for use in the Raspi 400. In the Raspi 400, Combian64 starts up to the Commodore 64 screen, but no keyboard entries are possible. Can you please give me a tip on how I can correctly carry out the Combian64 update in the Raspi 4 so that Combian64 works in the Raspi 400.
    Thank you.
    Greetings Ralf

    1. Hi Ralph,
      Unfortunately i can’t prove it myself because i don’t have a Pi 400, but other users used this trick and they reported it worked flawlessly.

      In a Raspberry Pi 4, after having connected to internet go to terminal and type:

      sudo apt get update
      sudo apt get upgrade
      sudo reboot

      After it finished to boot, swap the microSD to your PI 400, Keyboard should work regularly 🙂

      1. Ciao Carmelo,

        how can I open a terminal console to start the update? I don’t understand that.



      2. Quit from the emulator (F8), you’ll be brought to Combian64 Menu, quit from menu also. Finally you reached the terminal and from there you can make the update (remember you need to set your Network and WiFi language)

  44. Thanks for tehse amazing images ! Small mention, you can also update for PI400 using a Pi3 or lower 🙂 Was confuised a bit (don’t have a PI4, but in the end i figured, why not use my PI3?).

    Would be amazing to see a Speccy..ian image based on the Fuse SDL zx spectrum emulator with the same level of attention to detail as Combian64 ! 🙂

    1. Hi, I tried that with my Pi3 and it didn’t work after I put card back to P400 – it’s just a blank screen. Can you help somehow, please ?

      1. sudo apt update
        sudo apt full-upgrade

        on the PI3 and after move teh sdcard to the pi4/400 worked for me (also be sure the above actually worked, like you have networkign and stuff 🙂

  45. I have copied some .D64 images to a FAT formatted USB and try to use X-Copy to move them from the root of the USB into Combian/Games folder. The files do not copy.

    Do the .D64 files need to be in a specific folder on the USB for X-Copy to find them?

    1. Your D64 roms must be placed in the root of your USB key.
      If it doesn’t work, there’s must be problem, maybe your usb key is not mounted.

      As alternative, use the midnight commander you find in the Combian64 menu, to move your rom from usb to microSD.

      1. I am not sure what was happening with the X-Copy. I ended up following the steps to get the WiFi working, and then using WinSCP to copy them across the network.

        Thank you for all of your hard work on this project!

  46. Hi, I have a question. I donated a little something through paypal. How can I get the combian 3.0 download?

  47. Hello, is the new combian version still compatible with the Pi 3B? I am getting some kernel panic errors as soon as i pop in an sd with the fresh combian 3.0 image… not sure what is going on. Did exactly same procedure on the 3b+ and it worked. Problem is that my c64 emu build has 3b fitted… any ideas what’s going on?

    1. Hi, yes Combian64 V3 works on RPI 3 also.
      Are you using a microSD extender? Some of it can cause kernel panic, try a fresh install of Combian64 and try to first boot w/out extender.

      1. Well, I would never even think that this could be the reason! Yes, I am using the extender. I will try without it. Thanks very much! Keep up the magnificent work!

  48. Ciao Carmelo. Not sure if my previous message went missing or something. But can you confirm that the C64SC (cycle exact) version runs stable on Combian64 with the Pi4? Thanks for your answer,

    1. Hi Ed, to be honest i didn’t try it deeply, so i can’t assure it will work w/out any problem on a Pi 4. Anyway, with Vice 3.4 cycle exact can cause some issue with audio.

  49. Hi, I would like to try Combian, but only if the Cycle Exact version (C64SC) is performing good on the PI4. Can you confirm this? Thanks,

  50. Hi Carmelo
    Really love Combian 64 amazing work!

    I would love a RPi 400 with Combian 64, but I don’t want to buy a RPi 400 if the next version of Combian 64 with support for RPi 400 is far away. So the question – when do you expect to release next version?

    1. Hi Kenny,

      Thank you very much 🙂
      I will release for sure a fix to make it work with the Rpi 400 as soon as i buy one. More or less, seeing the great success and the preorders, i can say that this won’t happen before Christmas.

  51. I got V3.0 and installed in in my SX64-Mini with an Raspberry 1B. Works good, but it boots slower than 2.71.
    How can I get Vice working with an 16:9-screen? It shows only 4:3 with black borders left an right. Ok, that is more like the original, but not what I like for this little screen with 480 x 320 pixels. The combian-menu was shown full-screen, but vice dont. If I change the videosettings in vice, nothing happend.

  52. Hi!
    As there is Combian for Commodore 64, Dosbian for Dosbox, Amibian for Amiga 3000 (from another person), it could be possible to create a ZXbian ? With Fuze for Zx Spectrum ?
    I’d like to do it, do you have some infos or tricks to donit with raspbian?

    Thanks !

  53. Ciao Carmelo, ottima distro.
    Non riesco a farlo andare in full screen sul tv full HD via HDMI. Mi rimangono un po di bordi neri sia sopra/sotto che ai lati.
    Con il retropie il vice funziona a pieno schermo, ma preferirei usare la tua distro.

  54. i have this configuration in config.txt is dosbian 1.5:


    How do I adjust the image so that it looks good on the screen?

    thanks in advance

  55. Hi Carmelo, I’m Alexander from Berryboot Custom Images Website. People are requesting your Combian64 v3.0 image for Berryboot, I can donate to download and convert your image to Berryboot but I think that isn’t appropiate, let me know if you feel comfortable with that. Also, have you considered to do a demo version of your paid images? Let me know any idea, question or suggestion to make available you custom images to Berryboot.

  56. Hello
    If I create a directory under
    I get the error message :
    Permission denied

  57. Hello,
    What are the default logins to connect in ssh on combian
    I have a black screen with the new version of combian64 which I do not have with Dosbian

      1. I tried to modify the config.txt file, I remain on a black screen with my raspberry 4
        On the raspberry 3, no problem with the same monitor

  58. Chiedo scusa ma collegando una tastiera italiana al raspberry, per poter vedere il tasto = sopra lo zero ed il tasto ? come si deve fare? Ho provato non so quante decine di configurazioni nel layout di tastiera ma proprio non va….. Grazie

  59. Ciao Carmelo a quali tasti della comune tastiera da pc sono assegnati il tasto C di commodore e il tasti Run7Stop?

    è possibile ridefinire la tastiera per personalizzare i tasti?

  60. Ciao Carmelo .Una cortesia.Dove posso trovare delle info per l’uso di StriKeTerm fornito da Combian64?.Grazie e complimenti per il tuo lavoro.:)

  61. Hi Carmelo, thanks much for your work!
    I need to mount the LCD panel connected to my Pi upside-down, and I noticed the Flip Y option in Vice doesn’t work as expected (nothing happens, same with Flip X).
    Would you have any suggestions about this?

      1. Thanks Carmelo, I used display_hdmi_rotate=2 as I am using an external HDMI monitor, and it works like a charm!


      1. La differenza è che il modello A ha solo 256mb di RAM. Sarà sufficiente?

  62. Hi, Carmelo

    I’m using Combian 64 and GEOS works great.
    My problem is this: when you configure the wireless network, how do you save it? I know near zero about Linux.

    The case you use for Amiga-Pi looks great. All I’ve found for amigas are games. Does it have an office suite or anything besides games? The last time I played with a computer was Chess in a C64 and it “killed” me in a few moves; after that I never played again.

    Congratulations for your work and Merry Christmas!


    1. Hi Jorge,

      All the network configuration are stored in the wpa-supplicant stored in “/etc/wpa_supplicant”. You can browse file system by quitting the emulator and type in shell “mc” + return.

      My AmigaPi comes with lot of programs installed, not only games, so the answer is yes 🙂

      Thanks for your congratulations and happy Christmas to you too :))

  63. Great linux dist, wish i had knew about this before i bought the crappy c64 mini, vice are made by guys with superior coding skill vs the mini crapware, works great on my pi 3b + with à CRT image with action replay combined with the warp speed It runs speedy, you can have thousands of files when browsing in lightning speed without the mini limitation, and no crapy script files for changing default joy port or strange logic to flip disk side, great work hope more people finds this before wasting money on the c64 remake or mini scam.

  64. Hello
    Wonderful, your C64 distribution
    I ‘m a fan of the Commodore myself.
    When is the raspberry 4 version? indeed in supercpu mode on the raspberry 3, it’s not great.

    Sorry for my english 🙂

  65. Potete aiutarmi per configurare il mio LCD a tutto schermo i parametri ? Perché non esce mai a tutto schermo. Ho un Samsung 1920 *1080

  66. Hello Carmelo,

    I’m Pierre, from France… I really want to thank you so much for your great job. I’m a real C64 fan, i bought my first in 1984 ! And thanks to your work, i can now use a modern c64 on a modern hdmi screen.
    I use a raspberry 3B+, with keyrah V2b interface. It works really great (only if you use a US jumper set on it with a standard US 102 keys keyboard option in raspiConfig). Well.
    But i want to use a Petrorockblock powerblock in order to simulate perfectly a real C64. But i need to install the driver for it via internet, and i’m unable to connect to the wifi with combian64. Is it normal ? How can i get wifi with combian 64 ? Please !!!!!!

    Thanks you for reading, and well done again for your wondeful job.



  67. Hi Carmelo, thanks for this great job.

    i have customize a VKM file.
    It works fine with an original C64 Keyboard and keyrah V2 (blue Version).
    Only the “minus” key did not work. 😦
    I would like to give you this file, so you can publish it your Hompage.
    Please let me know how i can give it to you.


    ps:sorry for my bad english.

    1. Hi, sorry for my late answer, i was outside for vacation.

      Sure, send me the VKM file and all the details, i’ll post it here in my blog for download.



    2. Hello,

      I encountered the same trouble, and i solved it by selecting the US position jumper on the keyrah and by selecting us keyboard standard with 102 keys in raspiConfig !!!

  68. Ciao Carmelo ! Complimenti per il tuo Combian ! È possibile vederlo su un televisore CRT con l’uscita composita del raspberry pi3B + ? Come si può settarlo in modo tale che si veda anche in composito su tv crt? Grazie.

      1. mi puoi spiegare come editare il file txt non riesco a vedere a tutto schermo su lcd 1920*1080

  69. HI, I have tried following peoples examples in the comments, but I can’t get wifi to work at all on either pi 3b and zw using 2.8(full).
    Can someone explain a simply as possible how to do this?

    1. Hi, to make WIFI working, you have to set the WIFI Country code (You can do it from the RaspiConfig utility).

      If this doesn’t solve, try to delete this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

      and the reboot 🙂


  70. Hello,
    can you please add a dual boot option for Combian 64? (A bootmanager for Combian C64 and Amibian Amiga) When no key is pressed, then the System is boot combian. By press the key “C” the system will boot combian. By press the key “A” the Amibian distro.

  71. Ciao carmelo ancora complimenti per il tuo programma eccezionale…non vedo l’ora di vedere la nuova versione….
    Sai cosa mi capita??? ogni tanto il segnale video hdmi sparisce e ritorna dopo un paio di secondi circa…sai a cosa possa essere dovuto???
    Mentre i joystick con Keyrah tutto OK…
    grazie ancora

  72. Hello
    I have the pi connected to an old tube TV … the image on the screen trembles a bit … how can I make the image not shake?

    Yo tengo la pi conectada a una tv de tubo vieja … la imagen de la pantalla tiembla un poco…como puedo hacer para que no tiemble la imagen ?

  73. Ciao, sto provando ad entrare dal mio PC con Putty, e per qualche ragione, non posso trovare il password… qualche aiuto per favore?

  74. Hello. I am having many issues with Combian and cannot find support. I do not use or want Facebook. Why not use a simple forum (Luximo vanilla) or IRC as with most any other Linux project?

    For now though, I strongly suggest an immediate change. Get rid of the hdmi= mode lines in config.txt. These prevent the video working on certain monitor setups! This renders the system unusable until the config is edited, and that can’t be done with no video!

  75. Hi! I’d like to use Combian64 for an emulation of a C128 and run GEOS on it. But how do I switch from 40 to 80 column screen and vice-versa? GEOS has the ability to use both screens (one screen is used and the other one is ignored, you can switch between both screens through software or a menu point in GEOS).
    AFAIK WinVice shows both screens simultaneously. But Combian runs in a fullscreen window where I only have one screen visible.
    Does VICE (or Combian64) have a kind of hot key for switching between the 40 and the 80 column screen? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t need both screens at the same time. I’m just searching for an easy way to switch the screens when I need the other one.

  76. Hello! I have Combian up and running within a c128 shell and it’s exactly what I need. I’m using a keyrah and got it working. However, I cannot enter vdc 80 column mode. The vice emulator menu looks like it’s in 80 col, but when I go back to c128 it’s just a blank screen. Typing Graphic5,1 or using the 40/80 button crashes the emulator. Anyone run into this?

    1. I kind of figured a way to do this — I have to boot into 80 column mode. The screen is blank. I then blindly type GRAPHIC 5,1 and it then let’s me go into 80 column and I can go into DESTerm and Dialogue 128.

      Now my only issue is I have setup my c128 for rs232 and need to type the “british pound key + nc 25232” as is in the Strikelink demo (which works great). But I cannot for the life of me type the british pund key in that config field. I even tried editing the vice config file directly but it always changes the symbol to some odd character. HELP! This is my last step for an awesome c128 terminal computer.

      I’m using a KEYRAH and c128 keyboard. But I also tried a standard USB keyboard plugged into the Pi.


  77. Hello Carmelo, hope you can integrate the new Vice 3.3 into Combian soon, as it has some nice extra options in the SDL interface, especially browsing inside .D64 files.

    Have some happy holidays,


  78. Hi Carmelo, I’m having a hard time saving and loading a simple .bas file, it seems that it’s saved but when I try to load it with “LOAD “*”,8″ it says that file not found, Could you please give me some light on this? or where are files stored in combian64? Thank you.

  79. Ciao Carmelo, è possibile – a partire dall’immagine disponibile per il download – creare un OS per NOOBS? Grazie!

  80. Hi, and thanks for your work!

    I installed Combian 64 v. 2.8.1, and I was surprised that my Xbox 360 wireless gamepad (paired with an USB wireless receiver adapter) worked out of the box, when mapped to joystick device 1. It uses kernel module xpad, but I noticed that userspace driver xboxdrv is preinstalled as well, so one might also opt for that.

    I have configured joystick 1 mapping to please my preferences (4 directions controlled with the left stick, fire mapped to X blue button). What I dislike though is that there are three buttons (e.g. B red button) that behaves like the F8 key–i.e. open the menu. They seem to be pre-configured, and I can’t find a way to disable them. Is there a way to aviod this behaviour?


  81. Sehr Schöne Software habe aber Probleme USB Kontroller zu aktivieren !
    Gibt es eine Anleitung?
    Very nice software but have problems USB controller to activate!
    Is there a guide?
    liebe Grüße Meikel

  82. Why is booting time 2-3x in the new release? 5 sec in former releases to 12 sec now? How can i reduce to 5 sec again? That was the killer-feature and it’s now gone…

    1. Because with super fast boot there was the risk that joystick driver was launched after the emulator, the result was no USB joystick detected inside the emulator.

    2. Would be nice an option where user can choose between boot with usb gamepads (12 secs) and without them (5 secs)

  83. Ciao Carmelo, un lavoro davvero fantastico!!
    A causa del problema di sync, lo scrolling non è mai realmente pulito, è possibile aggiungere nel menù un impostazione per il refresh rate originale? (50.125hz)
    Grazie e continua così! 😀

  84. Hi! I really love this.

    I have one question: Is there an easy way to change to change the F8 hotkey to something different? I have tons of diskmags, which use the F8 key quite a lot.

    Keep up your great work!

    1. Additionally I’d like to ask: How do I change the keyboard mapping within the emulator settings (F8). I can’t activate German (de) or any other language :/

  85. Salve a tutti.
    Scrivo in Italiano perché so che il genio sviluppatore di Combia64 è Italiano… e tanto orma si può tradurre istantaneamente con Google.
    Volevo porre delle domande tecniche.
    Qualcuno ha trovato la configurazione adatta per la keymap corrispondente alla tastiera del C=64 plaggata con l’adattatore al raspberry pi 1? (Io devo lasciare General 101 key PC col raspi-config per la migliore mappatura).
    Inoltre ho notato un certo ritardo nel funzionamento dei tasti, prima che funzionino tutti, devo tenerlo alcuni minuti acceso oppure devo riavviare più volte (lo fa solo con Combian 64, con linux invece funzionano tutti i tasti alla prima accensione del raspberry). È Forse una questione di alimentazione?

    1. Altra perplessità (ma sarà qualche opzione che mi sfugge). Proprio con il Combian64 non riesco a far funzionare i joysticks. Con lo stesso Raspberry e interfaccia della Tynemouth, con il Retropie funzionano perfettamente, (e inoltre con la shell di linux-Debian i tasti corrispondono perfettamente). con il Combian64 invece no 😦 .

      L’interfaccia che uso, collegata al Raspberry pi 1 B+ è questa:–y1ReE9oi0s%3D%2Fp%2Ffull-fit-in%2F2400x1600%2Fi%2F22813%2Fproducts%2F2018-03-08T15%253A30%253A59.446Z-Internal%2520and%2520external.jpg&

  86. Scusate ma non capisco quali problemi riscontrate con il salvataggio dei giochi. Io li salvo tranquillamente….!
    Dovete solo andare su Snapshot-Save snapshot image. A questo punto, selezionate la cartella desiderata e digitate il nome del file desiderato.
    Per ricaricare, basta fare il procedimento contrario. Selezionate Load snapshot image e selezionate il file precedentemente creato. A me funziona alla grande.

      1. Sarebbe fantastico far funzionare il salvataggio dei giochi.
        Come puoi immaginare tutti noi siamo presi dal lavoro e impegni vari.
        Pensare di riuscire a finire i giochi in un unica soluzione, sarebbe troppo snervante.

  87. Praticamente non ho capito come fare a salvare i progressi nei giochi del C64.
    Se provo a salvare delle snapshot mi da errore… Non sono molto pratico del C64, vorrei giusto qualche dritta semplice per poter salvare le partite.
    E’ un peccato passare ore di gioco e non poter salvare…

    Sono io che non lo so fare oppure non è possibile farlo?


    1. Il procedimento che segui è corretto, bisogna salvare le snapshot, ma non dovrebbe darti errore. Onestamente non ho mai provato a farlo, ma se non ti fa scrivere il file dandoti errore, credo sia un problema di permessi nella cartella dove viene salvato il file. Non ricordo quale sia, ma una volta individuata dovresti fare un bel chmod 777 per abilitare i permessi di scrittura. Se ho tempo faccio qualche prova anche io.

      1. Ti ringrazio sei gentilissimo. Sicuramente è una funzione molto apprezzata da chi utilizza l’emu

    1. Daniel,

      at the moment, if you want to emulate an ethernet connection for BBS connection, from Combian menu, you can run StrikeTerm that is an instance of Commodore 64 machine configured with Ethernet emulation

  88. Thanks a lot for the great work… Iam just missing 1 thing: Ethernet emulation. So my mini c64c could use GEOS\GEOLINK to connect to IRC servers 🙂 Is it possible to get a combian64 image with enabled ethernet emulation included? Best regards

    1. Hi,

      From Combian64 Menu you can choose the option “Striketerm”, it launch a Commodore 64 occurrency with Ethernet emulation for BBS connection

      1. To use IRC (Geolink) I would need RR-NET Emulation like in Vice 3.2 on pc. Would the way you describe make RR-Net working? Thank you

      2. Got it, next version of Combian (3.0), will be compiled with Vice 3.2 (altough don’t know if it has RR-NET included on Raspberry version)

      3. I already talked to the vice developers. They told me: If you include Ethernet (RR-Net) emulation in your build when compiling then it will have it 🙂

        So it only depends if you select it on your build or not 🙂

        It would be great if you could add it to your next build.

        Thank you

      4. The best version i compiled so far with good performance was:

        ./configure –with-alsa –without-pulse –enable-native-gtk3ui –without-oss –with-x –without-resid –enable-arch=native –disable-midi –enable-ethernet

        –enable-ethernet is the option that enables the RR-Net emulation for online game and IRC on GeoLink 🙂

        But it needs additional packages to work: libpcap-dev , libnet

        I would suggest not throw out apt-get , as it does not affect boot times, and emulation speed. But it can be very usefull when somebody needs to install any additional packages 🙂

        If you have an beta version with ethernet enabled i would anytime be ready for testing 😉

  89. Hey all – Ok, so I got a pushbutton working as a VICE “menu” button. If you’d like to do the same, do the following:

    First, you’ll need a momentary pushbutton, a resistor (I used a 1K Ohm, a 220Ohm will work), some wire, and connectors (3 to be exact).

    I’m assuming you have the petrockblock powerblock installed, so you won’t have access to 3.3V or GND up on the first couple pins. As a result you’ll need to hook things up like this:

    9th pin on the inside row (nearer the CPU), is another 3.3V… Go from that to one side of the resistor, the other side of the resistor to one of the terminals on the pushbutton. Also on that SAME TERMINAL, run a wire to the pin right across from the 3.3V one (9th down, near the outside of the board). This is the GPIO pin we’ll be listening to. On the other terminal of the button, run a wire from there to the 10th pin on the outside row.

    Then go to the Pi command line, install input-tools package:

    apt-get install input-tools

    Then, follow the directions on this page:

    When doing the new file, you only need 1 of the button sections (rather than all 4). Make that section look like this:

    button@24 {
    label = “breadboard Menu”;
    linux,code = ;
    gpios = ;

    Save the file and follow the rest of the instructions on that page.

    This will set the button up to use the F12 button. You’ll want to configure VICE to respond to that key as the button press to get into the menu.

    Reboot and you should have a working dedicated button.

    Note: I didn’t check to see if VICE uses F12 mapped to any other function on the Keyrah to match a C64 keystroke, so you might have to change it to something else (just repeat the steps after changing the 0x58 to some other value for a keyboard keystroke code.

    (and yeah, this is all a LOT easier if you have a USB KB plugged into the Pi rather than trying to go through the C64’s keyboard…)

    I accept NO responsibility if you wire things up wrong and fry your Pi!!! If you don’t know what you’re doing, DON’T DO THIS!

  90. Hello. I am modifying a pi case to look like a 1541 disk drive. I am trying to add a red led and green led. I have the green one working, but i am having trouble getting the ACT light to work with GPIO 19, In config.txt, I have the following:
    # Use external LED as SD ACT LED

    What am I doing wrong?

    1. Set the WiFi region first, reboot. Next, go to the wpa supplicant settings and be sure to put in your ssid and password for the WiFi you want to connect to. Save that and reboot. Finally delete that file and again reboot. At that point you should be online. If not then double check your wpa supplicant file settings. Even if it doesn’t connect you should see wlan0 should up but without a valid IP address. If it connect to the WiFi it’ll show up with a valid IP and you should be good.

      1. I figured it out, Im using a wifi extender and it only gives one IP address, I need to add switch to it in order for it to get an IP., and yes i deleted that file Carmelio told me to, still would NOT get an IP, Im using a wifi hot spot i created through the main modem, its cofusing, but its workikng now.

    1. It works, Remeber to set the WIFi region from RaspiConfig first. From console, type ifconfig and see whether Wlan0 is attached or not. If not, try to delete this file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and then reboot. This time typing ifconfig, the Wlan0 interface should appear 🙂

      1. Yup, that worked for me. I also managed to get the keymap set properly for the Keyrah and the joystick ports working, as well as the PowerBlock. Will work on the Button to get into the menu this weekend (hopefully).

        Another thing I’d LOVE to be able to do (but don’t know if it’s possible) would be to have a slide switch to go between 100% emulation speed and max speed – would certainly help with load times and such. Might need to research if that’s possible.

      2. Can confirm following all of the steps worked on my RPi Zero W:
        1. Exit out of emulator and go to RaspiConfig, go to Localization options and set WiFi region to US. Reboot.
        2. Exit out of the Autoboot emulator, and int he next menu choose “Wifi Settings”. Set your SSID and password (case sensitive). Reboot.
        3. Delete the “/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules” file. Reboot.

        When you come back up, you can exit the emulator, then exit the menu (Option 3 I believe), and check ifconfig as well as ping google “” and it should work.

      3. Update: After deleting that file, I cannot get the emulators to work.
        At most I get Segmentation fault, and when I try to update via apt-get, it fails halfway through, and upgrade doesn’t seem to go (it.s very slow to even download the first package).

        Which really sucks because I really want to play with StrikeTerm to get on some of the TelNet BBS’s that are out there…

        One thing of note:
        I took the card and threw it into another Raspberry Pi Zero W, and it worked but no network (guessing it’s installing to the MAC of the wifi radio).

        Any update on the 3.0 build? Do you think it will fix any of these issues?
        If you need me to test anything, I have the following:
        Raspberry Pi B+
        Raspberry Pi 2 B
        Raspberry Pi 3B
        Raspberry PI 3B+
        Raspberry Pi Zero
        Raspberry Pi Zero W
        Raspberry Pi Zero WH (currently trying to get this one working on)

  91. Really looking forward to 3.0 to get the packages fix. I can’t install the packages needed to run the powerblock and a GPIO button to jump to the emulator config screen until then.. Any idea how much longer until you put it out?

      1. Thank you Mike, you shouldn’t have, i appreciate it very much. I promise i will get back to work on it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, i’m uploading a new version of 2.8 that should fix the issue with package installer. Once again, thank you very much for your donation 🙂

    1. Ah that button is a very good idea. Can you post something about it when you get that set up? Can’t wait for 3.0

      Many many problems in 2.8
      Took me forever to get wifi working, then after some time – 2.8 just kept crashing whenever I’d upload anything via wifi. Otherwise, very good package. Love the fast bootup time.

    1. Presto, avrei dovuto rilasciarla qualche settimana fa, ma purtroppo a causa di motivi personali, non l’ho fatto. Spero di poterlo fare nelle prossime settimane,.

  92. Hi! I want to start by thanking you for an excellent distro!

    But I have some troubles doing apt-get update / upgrade. For some reason i keep getting “files list file for package ‘INSERT PACKAGE NAME HERE’ is missing a final newline” when i do apt-get upgrade.

    And from what i have read on the internet the list file has become corrupt for that package. Problem is that there seem to be a ton of list files that have that problem.

    I am running v2.8 on a Pi3B+

    Do you know what the issue could be?

    1. Hi John,

      unfortunately version 2.8 has a corrupted package that doesn’t allow to make the update / update.

      This will be fixed in the upcoming version 3.0


  93. I cannot seem to update the linux portion of Combian 64.

    (all to be upgrade…)

    306 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 149 not upgraded.
    Need to get 0 B/107 MB of archives.
    After this operation, 22.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
    debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
    dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
    files list file for package ‘libdrm-nouveau2:armhf’ is missing final newline
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

    Can you provide a link or guidance? Or maybe Combian 64 3.0 ??? 🙂

  94. Ciao Carmelo. Grazie per la bella distribuzione, leggera e veloce. Cercavo da tempo una distribuzione per il raspberry zero che mi caricasse velocemente solo l’emulatore del C64, senza dover usare la Retropie che pur essendo bella ci mette un bel po’ a caricare…. e ho trovato la tua bellissima Combian64 che è perfetta, esattamente quello che desideravo 🙂

  95. Fantastic job. This seems to work well on my raspberry pi3B+. I am having no luck running it on Pi-Top hardware. Can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work.

  96. Could you attach info how have you compiled vice? I ask for ./configure options and in what system you built it? Was is combian64. Thanks!

  97. How do you go to the 80 column screen in the 128 emulator?

    Also, if you could enable ftp on the distro automatically, it would make copying disk images much easier for us Windows users.

  98. Hi Carmelo,
    Bellow I have posted a picture of my c64c case with raspberry pi zero running combian 2.8.
    I have added a LED activity on GPIO pin (not shown in the picture) with the following command in config.txt:

    dtparam=act_led_gpio=27 #physical pin 13

    Regards 🙂

  99. Hello,

    After I did the distro update and upgrade, I always ask for the login and password and after that I get only the raspbian command prompt.
    Can you tell me how to get autologin again and boot my default emulator at startup?
    Thanks in advance.

  100. Hello and Grüße aus Deutschland!

    I am trying to get Combian to display well on a PAL 50Hz Composite Video output. I am fighting a bit with the real resolutions you are using and how to modify them. Basically the worst visual artifact seems to be that in horizontal scrolling there seems to be a weird pixelation that I attribute to the PAL encoder in the RasbPi, but I can’t find any real documentation for it. I also struggle with your settings for “Fullscreen” and other details.
    What resolution are you running VICE in internally? Does it map to the resolution that the RasbPi is in or do you run on fixed parameters for viewport?
    My goal is to have the RasbPi with standard composite output give a stable image in 576p without scrolling artifacts (either Composite or even HDMI) – something the C64Mini can do. It beats Combian in visual quality (but not in anything else).
    Thanks for any pointers I could experiment with,

    P.S. are you looking to upgrade to Vice 3.2?

    1. disable_splash=1

      1. Thank you, can’t try these out before Wednesday… but am a bit curious. Overscan is turned off, but then you set Overscan values? An the dtparam line – any reason why I would specifically turn it on? Audio currently is not an issue. Thanks for any background I am missing.

      2. I used this configuration in the config.txt file

        overscan is to move the thickness of the bands

        Audio / video for analog cable (no hdmi)

        and it looks perfect

        Look at this picture of my television connected with this cable:

        Maybe in your tv you will have to modify the values of overscan

  101. Thank you a lot, Carmelo!
    I was able to run GEOS. I’d like to add jiffydos but I don’t have a clue where to place them. I tried to find “by hand” the folder DRIVES with no luck. Could you help me?
    Even if Jiffydos is not possible, Combian 64 is fantastic!

  102. Hello there,
    I am having an issue with getting any kind of network connection working on my raspberry 3b. Installed the 2.8 version of Combian. I entered my wifi details in the configuration file – did not work. Tried different wifi router to connect – did not work. Next, to make sure nothing is wrong with my pi, I swapped the sd card to a regular system and it worked so I went back to combian and connected the pi with an ethernet cable – No luck with connection…

    Any ideas?

  103. Ciao Carmelo e complimenti per questo interessantissimo “Combian64”, che riporta alla gloria i mitici giorni e le emozioni del Commodore 64.
    Io ho installato “Combian64” su Raspberry Pi Model B e sono riuscito a settarlo quasi interamente. Funziona ottimamente in Hdmi sul mio Tv Hd Ready e, modificando opportunamente il file config.txt, sono riuscito a farlo visualizzare anche su una Vecchia Tv a tubo catodico. Per farlo andare su questo tv ho inserito prima la stringa sdtv_mode=2 e poi l’ho cambiata con sdtv_mode=18.
    Il problema però è che in entrambi i casi, in alcuni giochi e in presenza di alcuni colori, sullo schermo compaiono delle chiazze rossastre che, però, dopo alcuni minuti spariscono. Queste macchie è come se rimanessero “impresse”. Poi facendo il reset dal menù e aspettando alcuni minuti, tutto torna alla normalità. Ho provato il software collegando il Raspberry anche ad altre 2 TV a tubo catodico ma il problema si ripresenta uguale. Non si tratta quindi di magnetizzazione dello schermo.
    Come posso fare per risolvere?
    Grazie in anticipo e ancora complimenti.

    1. Ciao,
      ti ringrazio per i complimenti.

      Ho letto con attenzione quanto mi hai descritto ed onestamente non mi è mai capitata una cosa del genere.

      sdtv_mode=18 presuppone che tu abbia una TV che supporti una risoluzione a 576 progressiva, non è che per caso essendo una vecchia Tv a tubo catodico, supporta solo il 576 interlacciato? (sdtv_mode=22)

      Fammi sapere,

      1. Ciao Carmelo e grazie mille per aver risposto.
        Non so francamente che risoluzioni supporti il mio TV crt (è un Mivar 28 M5, di cui ho perso purtroppo anche il manuale di istruzioni) ma facendo diverse prove modificando il file config.txt, ho ottenuto questi risultati:

        sdtv_mode=22 Schermo nero

        sdtv_mode=21 Schermo nero

        sdtv_mode=2 Videata normale ma con un forte e fastidioso
        sfarfallio che rende quasi impossibile l’utilizzo
        del software (anche qui persiste inoltre il
        problema delle chiazze rossastre di cui ti

        sdtv_mode=18 Videata normale, sfarfallio assente ma col
        problema delle chiazze rossastre

        sdtv_mode=1 Videata in bianco e nero

        sdtv_mode=16 Videata in bianco e nero

        Ho fatto questi test su altri 2 tv crt (leggermente più piccoli del Mivar), ma gli esiti sono identici. Le chiazze che appaiono, si verificano solo (credo) in presenza di determinate configurazioni di colori. Mi è capitato molto, ad esempio, giocando a Cj’s Elephant Antics e Commmando, per fare qualche esempio. Per farti capire meglio, è come se lo schermo per qualche tempo si “impregnasse” di questi pixel colorati di rosso, facendo restare una macchia che permane per diversi minuti addirittura anche cambiando canale del Televisore. Non so come possa verificarsi, non riesco neanche a capire quale possa essere la causa all’origine del problema.
        Impostando invece il tutto in Hdmi su TV Lcd funziona tutto alla grande e perfettamente, anche se – a dire il vero – il mio scopo era far girare il tutto su schermo catodico come ai bei vecchi tempi.

        Grazie di nuovo e un caro saluto.

      1. config.txt this:



  104. Hey. I’ve tried using V2.5 on my Raspberry Pi Version 1 and on a CRT television (via PAL Composite). I find the scrolling is very poor. Is this build only designed for HDMI? Thanks.

  105. Hi Carmelo,
    I noticed that if I try to run a CRT file, the emulator crashes and the shell screen appears.
    This problem arose after I have established a wifi connection, I don’t know if this problem depend on this os it’s an already know problem

  106. Hi,
    Very nice work! VICE is booting fast and fine 🙂

    I had hard times to map my Commodore 16 to Linux (not using Keyrah because it woukd be too easy ;-)) and now I can use C64, C16 and VIC20 with all keys.

    My next step is to be able to use the 2 SubD-9 sockets I’ve connected on the GPIO. Do you think by installing this driver I could make it work with VICE ?

    Thank you for your help 🙂

    1. The driver got installed and with some adjustments it worked fine from the boot.

      As VICE is launched pretty quick during the boot sequence, in case you need to modify the keymap (to adjust Keyrah mapping for example), you’ll need to modify first the preliminary keymap and (depending on your sd card speed) adding a sleep command just before VICE is launched (without messing up the launch script ;-)).

      Side question: why using “aaabatterysupportedremote” as filename for launching VICE? Just because it is on top of alphabetical order?

      1. Which version of Combian are you using?
        In version 2.8 aaabatterysupportedremote is not used anymore and the boot logic were changed a bit

      2. I can’t answer to your message so I answer to mine.

        I still use 2.7 because when I tried 2.8 I was not able to get Ethernet working (and it was needed for package updates). Putting all my mods to another version will take time so maybe later if something new and significant is coming.

  107. Hi Carmelo, thanks for porting VICE on raspberri pi! I have a rp0w board and I have tryed to connect to BBS via wifi. I have setup ssid and password then, after rebooting the system, I have lounch striketerm using combian64 menu but rp0w seems don’t connecting to my wifi router, any suggestion to solve this problem?


    1. Hi Matteo,
      I’m sorry to hear this, but couldn’t try Combian2.8 on Raspberry Pi 0 W.

      Quit from Combian64 Menu and once you are on the shell, type “ping” and see if it receives the packets.
      If it does, there must be a problem with you WIFI settings, otherwise it can be an issue with the new Wifi drivers updated for the new 3B+


      1. Hi Carmelo,
        actually giving the ping command I do not receive any packages.
        In any case, the emulator works perfectly, I’m waiting for a micro usb hub to be able to connect a joypad.

      1. Hi Carmelo,
        to recognize my wifi I have try this command ifconfig wlan1 up and then wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c /etc/…wpa_supplicant.conf After that a message of connectionto a MAC address, but when I digit ping the output is unknow host
        I havent’t the skill to solve this problem, I hope to gave you some useful hint to fix wifi connection on rpi0w


      2. Hi Carmelo, after many trial and error, I have change wlan0 in wlan1 inside the /etc/network/interface file and now the wifi connection works ok, I have upload same games via ssh and connected to afterlife BBS without problem!
        Thanks for the support and for this brilliant distro

        Kind regards

    1. Hi Matt,

      You can use it freely, the only thing i ask you is to insert a reference link to my blog.
      Keep me updated with your project.


      1. Unfortunately is Combian still not in PINN. Maybe it’s not possible to insert a link to a blog in PINN. PINN has a browser, but it’s hardcoded to start on the site.

      2. Oops, I forgot about this.
        I have just added it to PINN.

        Your website url is loaded against it so users in PINN can press info and it will open a browser to this page.

        I also added the website address to your logo which shows when installing the system.



  108. Hi.

    I use putty to connect by SSH. The root user, password 1234 does not work correctly (a black screen remains).

    Thank you.

  109. Hi! Very good release! My only concern for now is that the output to composite monitor was far better on Combian 2.5. From 2.7 on (I tested both new versions), I can´´ ‘t make the emulator fill the screen while in border mode. It appears to create a black frame outside the border. In Combian 2.5 that didn´t happen. The video output on 2.5 is almost identical to a real C64 And on 2.7 / 2.8 gets this awful black boder, and it streches the screen.

    1. Hi,
      have you tried to customize settings of Vice using custom resolution? You can also change Raspberry config.txt to set your own resolution and aspect ratio.

      1. I tried within VICE, but I will play a little bit with raspi config. I also wanted to install openCBM to connect a real 1541 thru zoomfloppy. I will keep you posted about this (If I succeed! ) Thanks!

  110. Ciao …. complimenti per il lavoro.
    Ma non riesco e settare la tastiera come emulazione joystick ho ridefinito i tasti ma non capisco come devo settare le porte joystick e user .la mia tastiera è USB .grazie

  111. Hi!

    I’m trying out Combian 2.7 with my RPi 3B, inside a Commodore case with Keyrah.
    I’m have 2 little issues:

    – The = key does nothing. At first I though this key wasn’t working properly, but I can see that’s not the case because I can assign a function in “Define UI keys”. All the rest work properly, with positional active keymap option activated. But without the = key, programming in BASIC is nearly impossible.

    – I’d like to use this by composite video, not HDMI. How can I activate this? (Step by step, for the absolute RPi moron, like me)


  112. Hello out there (again)
    I need some help again.
    saving “prg”, 8 load “prg”, 8 and load “$”, 8 does not work for me.
    I write save “prg”, 8 says the program – saving prg, – ready.
    I write load “$”, 8 writes the program searching for $ – loading – ready – List
    and nothing is shown.
    I would like to save and download from a usb in Raspberry Pi, as can
    move and print on another machine.

    The X-COPY program works really well to move games over to Raspberry with.

    How do I find the correct setup for – Auto Start – Image – Drive

  113. I’m not too sure as to how I can load game files onto the raspberry pi as I cannot access the sd card after format. I was wandering if it is possible to transfer games from a USB device?
    Thanks 🙂

  114. Hello! Just wanted to report that I cannot boot Combian on A RPi3B+, same card works great on 2 and 3, but not 3+.

    1. Hi, thank you for writing me.

      Unfortunately Combian64 doesn’t work with the new Raspberry Pi 3 B+. It’s a known issue, anyway, thanks for having reminded to me, i’ll add a warning in to Combian homepage

  115. Thank you very much for making this. Great jobb Everything works perfectly on my Pi Zero 😉 Next up, connecting a C64 keyboard too Pi Zero using a Pro Micro 👍

  116. Hello out there

    Setup help to
    Save “test”, 8
    Load “test”, 8
    and Load “$”, 8

    Where can I read how the emulator setup so I can save my programs on my Raspberry Pi 2 b +
    Now I can save “test”, 8.1 but do not load “test”, 8 again or load “$”, 8

  117. I am new to all this, so how can i add this? From the menu, where do i go to get to the prompt to enter the commands?

  118. I just want to know how to get my USB joystick to work with your fantastic distribution. I have two sticks but they do not get recognized. What is the mattter please

    1. To solve your problem you can try
      Quit the emulator and restart it or Restart combian with joystick already plugged on Raspberry
      or play with Vice Settings (swap ports)

    2. After bootup, try to exit out of VICE and run x64 (or preferred flavor of vice) again from the bash. If your usb controllers are suddenly able to be detected, I would posit that VICE is being ran before your usb controllers load. I had the same problem with my logitech f710 wireless gamepads. I had to disable Carmelo’s boot process and do my own thing. Look my post in this blog for my solution, if interested.

  119. Hi I think there is no USB joystick support?
    I tried everything but my joysticks was not usable.
    I love this distribution but thats no go sorry

  120. Hi,
    congratulations for this amazing distribution.
    I’d like to change keyboard to Spanish.
    When I do it at raspi-config it fails and shows these messages twice:
    “update-rd.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults”
    “insserv: warning: script ‘Combian64 Readme.txt’ missing LSB tags and overrides”

    What can I do to fix it?

    Thank you and regards,

  121. I tried versions 2.5 and 2.7 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3, a Raspberry Pi3B and a Raspberry Pi3B+ it wouldnt boot on any of them, I tried a 2GB card and also an 8GB sd card. Whats am I doing wrong?

    1. Version 2.5 and version 2.7 boot without any problem on Raspberry Pi 0 and Raspberry Pi 3B, didn’t try Raspberry Pi 3B+
      It’s not a matter of sdcard size, i suppose that there must be some problem either with the uncrunch of the image or with the software to flash the image.

      1. I have the same problem, what decompressor for the RAR and what flash software is recommended? What OS must be used? Tried with OSX and Windows, same result 😦

      2. OK I just used WinRAR 5.50, and Win32DiskImager 1.0, on Windows 7, and same result, black screen on Pi 0, 2 and 3, tried 3 different brands and sizes of SD cards… downloaded again, all versions, 2.1, 2.5 and 2.7… not working! any idea what to try next? Could it be possible that you re-upload another image, but with zip compression? Thanks!

      3. Images are genuines without any problem. The only thing that comes in my mind is that you’re having a problem with the hdmi output resolution on your device. By default Combian64 is set to 1280 x 1024, maybe device you’re using doesn’t support this resolution. Try to connect to a full hd monitor or TV

      4. You were right, connected it to a regular HDTV (was using a PC monitor) and it works fine. This resolution can be changed to allow these other monitors to show an image?

  122. Hi! Great emulator! I have a few problems/questions:

    1. I would like to change my keyboard layout to Danish. If I exit the emulator and run raspi-config, then choose “Internationalisation Options” and “Change Keyboard Layout”, I get an error “There was an error running option I3 Change Keyboard Layout”.

    2. If (inside Combian) I press F8 and choose “Settings management” and “Keyboard mapping” (which is currently set to “American (us)”, if I move the cursor down to “Danish (da)”, it doesn’t matter if I press enter or space, the asterisk does not change from “American (us)”.

    3. I would like to play some games, but I don’t have a joystick attached, so I would like to use the keyboard instead. Under “Settings management”, I can load and save joystick maps, but I can’t view or change it anywhere…?

    Best regards,

    1. Hi,
      sorry for the late answer.
      Didn’t investigate about the keyboard mapping, but i think it’s a bug in the distribution. I will try to fix it in the next upcoming 2.7 release.

      1. Regarding topic no 1. Steen mentioned:

        For me it worked again by doing the following:

        apt-get install console-data
        apt-get install console-setup
        apt-get install keyboard-configuration

        best regards

    1. Hi, thanks 🙂

      I’m thinking to produce other distros for other machines 😉

      Bluetooth service is not loaded at the boot, anyway it’s not so difficult to add it (if you have a bit of linux practise)

  123. This is pretty great stuff. Thanks! Any thoughts on emulating a modem using tcpser (or something else)? It would be great if the image booted with an attached modem already installed and ready to dial!

  124. G’day.
    I’ve been playing around with Combian64 for the last week or so and am thoroughly impressed. If nothing else, I cannot get over how quickly it boot.
    I’m actually building this into an actual C64 case + keyboard and will be using a Keyrah.
    The other thing I’ve added to my Raspberry Pi is a Pimoroni OnOff Shim ( This little devices uses a background demon for its clean shutdown procedure, however I cannot get it to work while VICE is running. If I exit the emulator, back to the command prompt, it works. I’m *guessing* it because of the way you’ve removed a lot of the start-up services? Any idea how I can plug this back in?

  125. Thanks.. Its only for the cartridge image. This is from Protovisions digital release of the game.

    Welcome to Sam’s Journey!

    If you want to play the cartridge version with an emulator, you need VICE 3.1+ and you should use these command line options:

    -cartgmod2 “sams-journey-gmod2-flash.bin” -gmod2eepromimage “sams-journey-gmod2-eeprom.bin”

    We have provided start scripts and config files for vice with these options enabled in the gmod2-pal folder. Copy them along with the gmod2 files into your VICE folder and you can start them directly from there.

    The .bat file is for Windows, the .sh file for linux users.

    You can play the disk versions of Sam also from 1541 Ultimate of Turbo Chameleon 64. Our cartridge (Gmod2) is currently not supported by 1541 Ultimate or TC64.
    Sam uses a very fast custom loader that is not supported by SD2IEC.

    If you get a black screen when starting the game please make sure…
    – …that you have only one drive turned on (#8)
    – …that you have no printer or other user port enhancement attached

    Trivium: due to technical reasons, Sam is harder as it runs faster on NTSC machines than on PAL ones.

    Have fun playing,
    Your Protovision Team

  126. Is there any possibility to get a new build with VICE 3.1? The new game “Sam’s Journey” requires GMOD2 cartridge support (for the cartridge version) which is apparently only on VICE 3.1. I know you are not actively developing this, but I just figured I’d ask.

    1. Hi,
      Didn’t know that “Sam’s Journey” require Vice 3.1 to run from cartridge…by the way, wonderful game!

      When i’ve free time, i’ll compile Vice 3.1 to be included on the next release of Combian.

  127. I’ve been trying to map the joysticks for c64 and so far on both 2.5 and 2.5 experimental its as if it doesn’t see the USB gamepad. I’ve tried about 5 pads so far with no luck. Is there a configuration option that needs to be enabled for USB gamepad support?

      1. Ok. I think I know what it was. I was plugging the USB gamepads in after boot and it was not able to recognize that I had hotswapped them in. I just booted up with the gamepads already plugged in and it let me configure them.

      2. I have similar issue, but different.
        USB Gamepads are not recognized upon boot up.
        However, if I exit the x64 emulator, and immediately execute /root/combian64/x64
        the gamepads are recognized.
        I can only determine that x64 is being launched before the gamepads are able to be recognized or before the device drivers for them are loaded.

        I thought it might be an error from an older version (2.1).
        I upgraded to 2.5 experimental and experienced the same issue.

        Is there any way to adjust the boot sequence to allow the SDLJoystick to detect USB Gamepads that are plugged in upon boot up?
        I would like to enjoy the feeling of booting straight into VICE, with USB Gamepads supported.

        Thank you!

      3. UPDATE!!

        Okay, so after much digging, I have fixed all issues observed.

        USB Gamepads not recognized on startup
        Keystroke output / garbage from VICE being fed to BASH
        TV having trouble with HDMI signal
        Need separate partition for C64 roms to allow for COMBIAN updates


        Made a new 50GB ext4 partition on 64GB MicroSD card with GPARTED
        Moved new partition to end of volume
        Made directory GO-HERE in /root/combian64 as mount point
        opened /etc/fstab in vi
        My settings follow:
        /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults 0 2
        /dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 errors=remount-ro,noatime,nodiratime,commit=120 0 1
        tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nodev,nosuid 0 0
        /dev/mmcblk0p3 /root/combian64/GO-HERE ext4 defaults 0 0

        copy /etc/init.d/aaabatterysupportedremote to /etc/init.d/zzzaaabatterysupportedremote
        remove /etc/init.d/aaabatterysupportedremote

        open /boot/config.txt in vi
        My settings follow:

        amixer cset numid=3 2


        edit /etc/rc.local
        My settings follow:
        #!/bin/sh -e
        # rc.local
        # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
        # Make sure that the script will “exit 0″ on success or any other
        # value on error.
        # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
        # bits.
        # By default this script does nothing.

        cd /root/combian64
        ./x64 > /root/x64-log.log

        /usr/bin/printf ” My IP address is\033[0;31m `/sbin/ifconfig | grep “inet addr” | grep -v “” | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | awk -F: ‘{ print $2 }’` \033[0m\n” > /dev/console

        dhclient eth2

        exit 0

  128. It looks like xpet is not loading up under 2.5 (non experimental) it boots to the shell if you have it selected as the default emulator… and it throws an error if you try to start it manually.

    But overall, the C64 functionality is great.. keep up the great work!

  129. Hello! Thank you so much for the wonderful work you’ve put into this. I especially appreciate your support on ths page and that from fellow users. I have a quesion about setting drive sounds on. I feel like I saw the option in the menu somewhere, but I can no longer find it. Can you point me in the right direction? Cheers!

  130. Hi! Great work with this dist Carmelo.
    I feel that the absolutely moster important things is to acheieve a perfect framerate with the pi. I think the first raspberry is too slow anyway in order to emulate the 64 with full performance. So the rpi 2 or three is the only way to go.
    But being able to customize the config with 50.12 Hz would be the absolutely greatest thing. It should in principle be possible. But I will look into it more deeply when i get the time.


    Super nice program you have made.

    I have installed COMBIAN64 on one
    Raspberry Pi 2 b 1 gb, super easy installation,
    no problems at all.

    But now I have a question
    Which keyboard setting is optimal for thes application
    Right now I’m having trouble with the (“) character.

    LOAD “$”, 8 becomes LOAD @$@,8

    Right now I’m using a Danish keyboard.

    With the best regards
    Kent Bruun

    1. Can you tell me how you fixed the issue? I am using a keyrah inside a US commodore 64 and shift-2 gives me @ rather than quotes.

      1. Try changing the keyboard layout inside Vice config, from symbolic to postional. Solved it for me!

  132. Hi, I really like this and how quick it boots up, I made my own keyboard interface with an arduino for a C64 and installed the pi inside so from the outside it just looks like a c64. What would it take to make a similar image that would work the same the with lets say a sinclare spectrum or a bbc. do the emulators need compiling for this boot image ?

    thank you for this excellent system.
    Lee Smith

    1. Hi,

      You could easily add Spectrum and/or bbc emulator to Combian64.
      You need to compile emulators and modify Combian64 menu to add them to the distro.

      I’ve planned to add extra emulators to Combian64,(other than Commodore machines), i only need to find time to do it :))


  133. First of all I want to say thank you very much for your great work!
    I’ve got a little problem. After apt update & upgrade I am asked for login and password.
    Can you tell me login and password please? Or is it not wanted to update system?
    Shall I set up the system again and do no update?


    1. Nice work!! i like how you explained everything clearly.

      I noticed that the link for Combian64 in your blog doesn’t redirect to my blog link.

      If you read the license, this is not allowed.

      If you modified the image and want to distribute it you could do it freely, but in addition you have to add the link to the original download.

      I hope this is not a problem 🙂

      Thank you very much 🙂


  134. Hi Carmelo, thank you for the combian-64. It works great on a TV with a HDMI-Cable.
    But i have a little problem with combian-64 on my PC-Monitor with DVI.
    I use a HDMI to DVI-Cable from the Raspberry Pi to the Monitor.
    The Screen is moved 10cm to the right side.
    Can I change a Parameter in the config.txt to resolve the Problem ?

      1. Thank you for the Link.
        I resolved the Problem.
        In the config.txt i changed “hdmi_drive=2” to “hdmi_drive=1”.
        And now the PC-Monitor with DVI-Input works fine.

    1. Hi Doug, thanks for the help. I fixed hdmi display by only leaving the line ” dtparam=audio=on ” in the config.txt. Because I couldn’t locate the nano editor, I did that by doing ” echo dtparam=audio=on > /boot/config.txt ” from the command line.

  135. When booting the Combian64 v 2.5 image, I don’t get any output on my HDMI monitor. I don’t have issues with other RPi images (e.g. Raspbian). Any idea what could be the problem?

    1. …I found out that Combian works with the composite video output by default, that’s why I got no screen using my HDMI cable. How could I change the output to HDMI?

  136. Hi Carmelo, the Combian project sounds very promising. However I could not run the image on my Pi 2. Does it only run on Pi 3? Thanks!

    1. …I found out that Combian works with the composite video output by default, that’s why I got no screen using my HDMI cable. How could I change the output to HDMI?

  137. It’s a shame hat you have decided to stop working on this but thank you for all your hard work. I have enjoyed (and I am still) playing with it. All the best!

  138. I am sure I’m using the 2.5 version (not experimental) and have the mouse pointer in the top left of the screen. Any thoughts?

  139. Hi
    Got version 2.5 up and running – very nice! Vic 20 emulation seems to be pretty good (only using a RPi model B. One other question, is there any way to turn the mouse pointer off as this ruins the illusion of being a real Vic 20?

    1. Hi,
      If you are using Combian64 V 2.5 experimental compiled with SDL2, it’s not possible to remove the mouse pointer.

      The regular version 2.5 hides mouse automatically.

  140. Hi
    Got version 2.5 up and running – very nice! Vic 20 emulation seems to be pretty good (on;y using a RPI model B. One other question, is there any way to turn the mouse pointer off as this ruins the illusion of being a real Vic 20?

  141. Ciao!
    Ho un androidbox (clone del beelink x2) che fa il boot da micro sd.é compatibile con orange pi.Ho provato a usare il combian64 ma non fa il boot , (credo perchè il mio utilizza il sistema uboot , ma non sono sicuro in quanto ne so ancora poco di ste cose).é possibile avere una versione di combian64 compatibile con il beelink x2 ( o con orange pi che è la stessa cosa?).

      1. Ciao Michele,
        Scusami se rispondo solo adesso, ma ogni tanto mi capita di saltare qualche commento.
        Vorrei portare Combian su Orange Pi, spero di procurarmene uno al più presto, se ci sono novità lo riporteró sul blog.

  142. Hello,

    I’ve got az problem with image.
    The download is correct. I extract Combin25.img from Rar archive
    When I try to copy the image file on my SD card with Win32DiskImager 1.0,
    When the copy is ended. It isn’t possible to read the card. I’ve got an erro message like : You must format your disk ….

    It seem the archive is corrupted. Can you help me ?

    Best regards


  143. Hello,
    I’ve got a problem to write archive on my SD Card.
    I unpack Combian25.rar and write .img with Win32DiskImager.
    When the write operation is right, I trie to open the SD to view config.txt, …. but it seem the card is corrupted. I make other test on other card with same issue. Can you Help me ?

    Best Regards.

    1. Hi,
      If you’re trying to open file config.txt from Windows it doesn’t work.That will be fixed in next release.
      Use Linux OS to edit config.txt or you can edit it using midnight commander that you find in the combiam menu, recallable through the command line by writing the command ‘menu’

  144. i sovled my problem. but still wondering will there ever be a option to setup wifi/internet connection so we can have the ability to call/telnet BBS using moderm terminal programs such CCGMS2017 or Striketerm 2014 or Zterm or even qlink?

  145. Thanks for the download – love how quickly it loads but having trouble as it seems to have problems saving settings and unstable. Maybe it is because i am using a RP model b?

    1. I’m an idiot – I was trying the experimental version and now that I have installed V21 everything is fine! It is a shame that if I turn on scanlines that the speed drops – probably doesn’t happen with a RP2/3! Thanks for a great bit of software. Have installed the Pi in an old (not working) Vic 20 with keyrah and it is all pretty seamless. Just need to tidy up the cables.

      One question, is there anyway of copying roms on v21 or do I need to access them from USB stick?

    2. Hi, It’s more convenient to use Version 2.5 regular, it has an option in menu to copy automatically ROM from your USB KEY.
      In any case, in version 2.1 you can access “Midnight Commander” and copy your Rom from Usb Key to Combian64 folder

      1. Ok – will try 2.5 in my just built Raspberry Pi powered Vic 20 and let you know how it goes!

  146. Salve,vorrei collegare il mio raspberry p2 su una tv a tubo catodico ma non so dove trovare il file di configurazione per modificare i comandi per una corretta impostazione…è possibile farlo? Credo che su una tv crt la resa grafica sia molto migliore…

      1. Ti ringrazio,sono riuscito a farlo partire e la resa su tv normale è quanto di piu simile sia possibile ! Unica pecca lo sfarfallio,leggero ma presente purtroppo nn cambia anche su altri tv ( ci vorrebbe un anti flicker ) e il refresh rate che in fase di scrilling suo giochi un po disturba….x il resto è tutto perfetto,confezionato il raspi nel case del c64 + interfaccia controlli Keyrah v2….indistinguibile dal c64 originale !!!

  147. This was the distribution I was looking for!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to create. I have four VIC 20s in various states of operation. One of them will soon receive a Raspberry Pi 3 with Keyrah V2. This distribution will create a Commodore experience like no other. While I could use RetroPie, it leaves much to be desired when you want to emulate the Commodore experience as closely as possible to the original feel of the 1980s. I must blog about this soon. And don’t listen to those that give you grief about distributing via Google Drive. That too was perfect for my particular use.


      1. Provato ma non mi riesce. Potresti tentare anche te giusto per capire se c’è qualcosa che non va nel mio sistema? Già al primo comando ho problemi. mi dice che non riesce a mappare la seconda partizione…

  148. Thanks for the access to Combian. I have tried downloading it three times now (Combian25.rar), every time the archive is reported as corrupt. Tried WinRAR, WinZip & 7zip. What am I doing wrong?

  149. ottimo lavoro e grazie x l immagine ,unica domanda…è possibile utilizzare un joypad wireless playstation3? riesco solo ad utilizzare pad con filo…+grazie anticipatamente

      1. Grazie gentilissimo…
        Persone come te ci danno la gioia di poter rivivere momenti della nostra gioventu grazie a lavori come il tuo,complimenti !

  150. Hi.. Thanks for all your hard work. I downloades the previous versions of Combian and works like a charme. This time, as you write in this page, I sent you a request to get access two days ago to the google drive downloads but no clue about it. Are you ok? Was the request sended to you or are there any problem?

  151. I’ve been using Combian v2.5 quite a bit on my raspberry pi 3, and I love it. I find the best looking video setup is with screen doubler turned OFF and the CRT emulator turned ON. Of course this leaves much of the screen unused with a HD monitor. Would setting the rasp pi to a lower screen resolution perhaps help with this? Somehow Vice on the current retropie version does this by default (and also on UAE4ARM). Thank you for developing this!

  152. Ciao Carmelo, where would you like us to contribute with bug reporting and so ? I have been playting a bit with 2.5 experimental and I have a few things. Probably most of them actually might come from VICE 3.0 indeed

  153. At the current phase not much than a simple emulator on rpi, but looks very promising !
    I’m pretty much amazed by the boot time. Fastest linux boot ever ! Unfortunately yet i have no time to more tests, just booted up and played with it a bit. It needs some services like samba or ssh for convenient C= ware handling. I will keep my eye on this project. Good luck and keep up !

    1. It is fast because it doesn`t boot un-needed services such as samba.There is a provision to put your roms on a usb stick and have the distro copy them from.Adding more and more to this would then take the project AWAY from it`s goal of boot/emulate, to just another distro.

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